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Do you want to ace the Canadian Red Seal exams?
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Our study guide includes comprehensive readings, chapters, and learning goals covering the Canadian Red Seal curriculum and Standards, as well as full Red Seal exam questions with answers and a flashcards training programme with questions on one side and solutions on the other.
Among the courses available:
Construction Craft 450 A, Millwright 433A, Electrician, Powerline Technician 434 A, Plumber 306 A, Carpenter 403 A, Sprinkler Fitter 427 A, Hair Stylist 332 A, Instrumentation & Controls, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 313 A, Automotive Service Technician 310, Steamfitter & Pipefitter 307 A, Cook, Chef & Cook Assistant 415 A, Welder 456 A, Machinist 429 A, Sheet Metal 401 A: Bricklayer & Stone Mason, 420 A: Ironworker Generalist Red Seal, 449 A: Roofer, 404 C: Painter Decorator, 253 A: Insulator Heat & Frost
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